Musculoskeletal problems that can affect the quality of your life

As far as main-stream health-care goes, cardiovascular heart disease and stroke, cancer and pulmonary issues get most of the social attention. While it is true that concerns with these health issues affect the quantity of your life, musculoskeletal problems affect the quality of your life. When you are in pain, your life activities gradually slow down, your focus becomes centered on your discomfort. Because of pain, you are less likely to exercise, which can lead to cardiovascular, immune, pulmonary as well as other bodily function deterioration and health.

Past Traumas to the body

I want you to understand that pain has an archeology; a history of sometimes hidden traumas that can ultimately lead to distortions, compensations and ultimately disparities in how you stand, walk and function. Understanding why your low back hurts is, most of the time, more important than the fact that your back “hurts”. One of my core beliefs is that there is an interdependency of the body as a whole. Your body works as a unit. That’s why a pain in one area of your body can result from other things going wrong far removed from that site of pain.

Say, you sprain your right ankle, and three weeks later your left knee starts hurting without your knowledge of ever injuring it. Because of the way the normal person compensates in order to bear weight on that right foot and sprained right ankle, the left knee takes on two to three times more work in order to walk. Not only that, but the right foot has turned out in order to reduce the amount of pain when bearing weight.

Let us take this example a little further down the road. After your ankle starts feeling better, what do you think happens to the turned out right foot? It stays right where it’s at because it has learned a new gait pattern. This compensation, if left uncorrected will have far reaching consequences down the road say, 20 or 30 years to the knees, hips, low-back, shoulders and neck because it changes force dissipation from heel strike to mid-stance to follow through during walking or running.


optistrength musculoskeletal

Find your relief

I started by saying that our bodies have a history. We are the product of the physical insults, irritations and injuries of our past, all producing some level of disparity through chronic compensation patterns. Most of us who are in pain will have some form of disparity. Well, what does “disparity” mean? It comes from two words, dis = not, and parities, “parity” = related. In other words not related or UNEQUAL. This is what we are left with when a lifetime of compensation fixes a joint into an other-than equal position from side to side and front to back. We compensate in all kinds of ways, the above turned out foot in order to bear weight on a

sprained ankle is an example of this. Don’t let this be you. If we truly understand the ways in which our body moves and compensates, only then will we find a solid solution for long-term pain free living.

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